is a non-alcoholic beverage brand dedicated to being brutally honest, aiming to change perceptions of low alcohol consumption through conscious consumption.
is an unserious, brutally different brand. We believe that brutal honesty and humour are your best friends in steering conversations.
believes that weird is good. Weird makes conversation, stands out and helps move away from feeling left out and constantly questioned.
is extremely straightforward. We dont beat around the bush. We think honesty is the best remedy. We tell you what you need to know, fast.
The easier we are to see, the easier it is for your "excuses" to be heard. For sobriety to change. And, to shut your friends up.
The worst feeling is feeling that you have to come up with an excuse for not doing something - a clear problem with non-alcoholic beverages. Most brands are filled with zero-percent visuals and large statements that make you stand out. We want you to stand out, but not for not drinking. But because your mum said no, or that you're pregnant, or that you will make bad choices.
Don't take us too serious. We use a sarcastic, brutally honest tone through everything we do. Some may say condescending. But that's just who we are. It's literally on our cans. And everything else. Banter and pub culture is where we thrive, when you are with friends, and you are choosing not to drink. We got your back.
We believe that you shouldn't have to explain. So we put why right on the front of the cans. We want people to ask. We want you to feel less alienated through using our goofy brand. But hey, it's more interesting that way. Instead of coming up with excuses you think will stop people asking, straight up tell them that you make bad choices. That's a conversation right there. Or that the dogs home alone. You Pick.
We think different is good. That's why we only sell our drinks in packs of three. Have you ever seen that before? We want you to have fun - you cant drink one drink all night. But four is too many. And it's heavy. We want you to have fun, but not go crazy - think about it yeah?
We love being bold. And easily understood. That's our whole shtick.
Our wordmark represents the explaining you have to do to your friends. It's obvious, but not too obvious. We revolve around drinking culture. We want you to use our excuses to not have to explain yourself. That's why we print the reasons on the can, aswell as ontop. From every angle baby.